Most protetyczny wykonany w technice CAD-on - idealne połączenie

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Idealne połączenie. Łatwe i skuteczne: rozległe mosty protetyczne wykonane w technice CAD-on

The best of two worlds Easy and effective: long-span bridges fabricated with the CAD-on technique

The CAD-on technique (IPS e.max) harnesses the advantages of two outstanding ceramic materials and maximizes the esthetic appearance of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics on high-strength zirconia frameworks.

For several years we have been taking advantage of a working technique (IPS e.max® CAD-on/Veneering Solutions) that combines two widely studied materials: lithium disilicate (LS2) and zirconium oxide (ZrO2).

Using the CAD-on technique involves the following components:

  • IPS e.max ZirCAD blocks (zirconium oxide, framework),
  • IPS e.max CAD blocks (lithium disilicate ceramic, veneering),
  • Ivomix high-frequency vibrating device,
  • especially designed thixotropic fusion glass-ceramic to join the ceramic structures.

Initial situation

The patient came to the practice because she was unhappy about her upper anterior restoration and wanted it to be replaced (Fig. 1). The ceramic material had flaked off at several sites and the function of the metal-ceramic bridge was impaired. A detailed examination of the clinical situation revealed that teeth 11 and 21 were not suitable for anchoring a new dental prosthesis to them because of severe bone atrophy. They had to be extracted. Since the patient refused to undergo any augmentative procedures, placing an implant-retained prosthesis was not an option. We decided on a fixed bridge that would be anchored to abutment teeth 14 and 12 on one side and to 24 and 22 on the other. The area around teeth 11/21 was to be reconstructed with artificial gingiva.

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  • zyskasz dostęp do artykułów otwartych publikowanych na łamach „TPS – Twój Przegląd Stomatologiczny”;
  • zobaczysz część filmów zamieszczonych w dziale dentalVIDEO;
  • będziesz na bieżąco z wszystkimi nowościami z branży stomatologicznej;
  • możesz skorzystać z katalogu firm i porównywarki produktów,
  • masz możliwość sprawdzenia kalendarium wydarzeń i relacji z imprez branżowych.
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