Doskonała estetyka rekonstrukcji w pełni ceramicznych

Doskonała estetyka rekonstrukcji w pełni ceramicznych

The temporary has numerous tasks

The temporary has come to play a role that has long been undervalued, particularly in the case of anterior restorations. The main original function, which was to protect the prepared tooth surface, continues to be met. However, thanks to the continued progress of adhesion technology, the spot-etch technique now enables single-tooth temporaries to be fabricated that off er greatly superior esthetics and can perform additional tasks due to reliable bonding at the relevant location.

Taking the wax-up as a basis, we used cold-curing polymer resin (VM CC/VITA Zahnfabrik) to fabricate the temporary (Fig. 5). In addition to the protective function described above, this temporary also enabled the patient to already become used to the final restoration at a very early stage by „pre-empting” it, to consult family and friends on their opinion, and to request changes before the fi nal ceramic veneers were fabricated (Fig. 6).

During preparation, the healthy tooth substance was protected and maintained as far as possible (Fig. 7).

Ceramic veneer

The individual tooth features that were already recorded during the detailed analysis as veneer diagrams now provided the basis for designing the ceramic veneers (Fig. 8 and 9). Following fabrication of the fi reproof dies (Cosmotech/GC), the quite complex process of layering was carried out using VM 9 (VITA Zahnfabrik). At this stage, in-depth knowledge of the ceramic used as well as of its esthetic possibilities, together with experience in shape and surface design, are essential in order to ensure above-average results. The result already makes a very good impression on the model (Fig. 10).

Dostęp ograniczony.

Pełen dostęp możliwy tylko dla zalogowanych użytkowników z wykupioną prenumeratą lub subskrypcją.

Dlaczego warto się zarejestrować?

  • zyskasz dostęp do artykułów otwartych publikowanych na łamach „TPS – Twój Przegląd Stomatologiczny”;
  • zobaczysz część filmów zamieszczonych w dziale dentalVIDEO;
  • będziesz na bieżąco z wszystkimi nowościami z branży stomatologicznej;
  • możesz skorzystać z katalogu firm i porównywarki produktów,
  • masz możliwość sprawdzenia kalendarium wydarzeń i relacji z imprez branżowych.
zarejestruj się



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