Leczenie endodontyczne i odbudowa estetyczna zdwojonego siekacza centralnego z guzkiem szponowatym
Endodontic treatment and esthetic management of a geminated central incisor bearing a talon cusp
Gemination is a rare morphological dental anomaly that develops when the single tooth bud attempts to divide to form two teeth. The anomalous tooth usually has totally or partially separated two crowns, with a single and large and maybe partially divided pulp chamber. In rare cases, division through the crown and root can be seen. Primary dentition is more frequently affected than the permanent dentition, usually in the incisor region [1]. The prevalence of gemination is variable and it generally ranges from 0.1 to 1% [2].
The etiology of gemination is unclear but there are several
hypotheses like heredity, local metabolic interferences during
morphodifferentiation of the tooth germ, environmental factors such
as thalidomide embryopathy, fetal alcohol exposure, or
hypervitaminosis A of the pregnant mother, and
trauma [3].
Talon cusp is also a rare morphological dental anomaly of hyperplasia of the maxillary or mandibular incisor’s cingulum, which is characterized by the presence of an accessory cusp-like structure. Talon cusp is usually seen in the cingulum area or cementoenamel junction of the mandibular or maxillary incisors both primary and permanent dentition and contains enamel, dentin, and also pulp tissue [4]. There is no predilection of sex and can be seen unilateral or bilateral. Its prevalence range is found to be 0.04-10% in various studies [5].
Talon cusp generally may occur isolated, but it can be very rarely associated with gemination. In the literature only six cases of geminated teeth with talon cusp have been reported [6]. The aim of this case report is to present the multidisciplinary ...
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