Najnowsze rekonstrukcje w cztery godziny. Oparta na implantach rekonstrukcja całkowitego braku uzębienia z wykorzystaniem zębów SR Phonares II i systemu IvoBase
High-tech restorations in four hours Implant-retained prosthetic restoration of an edentulous jaw with the SR Phonares II and IvoBase system
With composite denture teeth of the “latest generation”, the increasing esthetic expectations of patients can be fulfilled even when restoring edentulous jaws. Hybrid dentures supported by tilted implants provide several advantages for both the clinician and patient. Conventional treatment methods use four implants to anchor the restoration. By angling the end implants, optimal use of the bone volume available can be achieved. Consequently, the need for time-consuming procedures, such as bone augmentation, can be avoided. In addition, the patient can leave the practice a few hours after the surgical intervention with a temporary restoration in place. To meet the high esthetic expectations of edentulous patients, “individuality” plays a key role in the design of the prosthetic reconstruction – composite denture teeth of the latest generation and an especially designed denture base material based on PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) are recommended to achieve this. These materials not only lead to a natural-looking result but also meet the demand for affordable restorations.
This paper focuses on an implant-retained prosthetic treatment system for the esthetic and efficient treatment of edentulous patients. Similar to other fields of dentistry, the demand for minimally invasive procedures has been increasing in dental implant indications. Patients prefer treatment options that require less time and are based on a straightforward clinical procedure. This requirement is coupled with the factor of “esthetics”. How can we combine these two aspects? “Rationalizing” the restoration of edentulous jaws is limited by the number of implants and the healing time required. In spite of this, modern imp...
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Ortodoncja w praktyce
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