Wysoko estetyczne długoterminowe uzupełnienia tymczasowe

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Pewny siebie uśmiech podczas użytkowania uzupełnień tymczasowych. Wysoko estetyczne długoterminowe uzupełnienia tymczasowe wykonane z Telio® Lab

Smiling with self-confidence – while wearing a temporary. Highly esthetic long-term temporary made of Telio® Lab

Thanks to esthetic and functional temporary restorations, patients may partake in social activities, maintain a regular daily routine and eat healthy.

Particularly in the case of complex treatments, dental professionals sometimes tend to fail to recognize the importance of the temporary restoration, even though it assumes an important function in the treatment process. Apart from protecting the prepared teeth from infections and chemical and thermal influences, this also includes stabilizing the prepared teeth within the dental arch, securing the jaw relation as well as restoring, maintaining or correcting the function, phonetics, esthetics and shape. From a patient’s point of view, the esthetic appearance of the temporary restoration is an important requirement, as they want to participate in social activities and smile with self-confidence also while wearing an intermediate restoration. Thanks to modern materials, this requirement can be met today.

Patient case

Beautiful teeth and a bright, natural smile help to boost self-confidence in most people. In the case described in this article, a female patient was unhappy with her oral situation and thus consulted her dentist. She was about to take on a new professional challenge for which she would be required to interact with people. Therefore, she requested that her teeth should be esthetically restored. Some of the teeth showed carious lesions and the existing crowns and amalgam fillings were defective. In addition, the cervical areas in the anterior region were severely discoloured (fig. 1). Teeth 16 and 12 could not be preserved and were extract...

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Dlaczego warto się zarejestrować?

  • zyskasz dostęp do artykułów otwartych publikowanych na łamach „TPS – Twój Przegląd Stomatologiczny”;
  • zobaczysz część filmów zamieszczonych w dziale dentalVIDEO;
  • będziesz na bieżąco z wszystkimi nowościami z branży stomatologicznej;
  • możesz skorzystać z katalogu firm i porównywarki produktów,
  • masz możliwość sprawdzenia kalendarium wydarzeń i relacji z imprez branżowych.
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