Ząb ektopowy zatrzymany w ścianie bocznej małżowiny nosa

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Ząb ektopowy zatrzymany w ścianie bocznej małżowiny nosa – opis przypadku

[wersja anglojezyczna]

The removal of impacted and semi-impacted tooth is common procedure performed by practitioners specialized in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Medical history, clinical and radiographic examination are the key-points to obtain a proper diagnosis and correctly evaluate necessity and difficulty of surgical wisdom-tooth extraction. Usually, impacted teeth are removed in local anaesthesia during a scheduled dental appointment. Position and impaction within adjacent jaw bone is the most frequent. Other localizations are much more diagnostically demanding and should be considered as rare phenomenons.

Case report

A 16-year-old patient was referred to the maxillofacial department with a history of swelling of the right cheek without any episodes of facial pain nor nasal discomfort. Intraoral examination revealed full dental arches and tumor in the vault of the upper vestibule of oral cavity on right side. Clinically, no signs of odontogenic infection seemed to be the cause of the oedema. A panoramic x-ray revealed a change in signal intensity in the lumen of right maxillary sinus.

Computed tomography of paranasal sinuses found out a solid mass filling completely the right maxillary sinus. Bone frame of the sinus remained intact by processes of any bone resorption except the anterior wall which proved to be destroyed. The overlying mucosa in the region of teeth 14-17 enclosed the sinus. On the lateral wall of nasal cavity high density radiopaque mass resembling an ectopic tooth was seen....

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