Precyzyjnie dopasowane rozwiązanie. Proteza zębowa z poziomo połączonymi konstrukcjami
Completion of restoration
Since I have extensive experience in using IPS e.max Press (lithium disilicate), I decided to use this material to veneer the metal structure in the present case.
From the range of ingots offering various levels of opacity, I chose to use the LT ingots. Thereafter, I covered the vestibular and incisal areas of the anterior frameworks with IPS e.max Ceram. I fabricated the posterior teeth according to the full-contour technique and characterized them with the corresponding stains (Figs. 10, p. 43).
I did not coat the palatal areas of the anterior teeth and left them in the lithium disilicate state (Fig. 11, p. 43). As a result, their strength and monolithic shape was maintained in this area, which greatly helped in adjusting the occlusion and the centric position and the proper lateral and protrusive movements.
On the vestibular side, I used the cut-back technique in order to create space for the various IPS e.max Ceram Impulse materials, which impart the individualized esthetic appearance and life-like effects to the front teeth (Fig. 12, p. 44). The interplay of the colours of the different materials was enhanced with this technique. After the crowns had been completed, they were cemented to the metal structure with Multilink® Automix. By using the same type of ingot in conjunction with the different working techniques, I was able to achieve excellent function and esthetics and save time and money to boot (Figs. 13 and 14, p. 44).
This type of horizontal slide-in attachment offers the same advantages as a cemented restoration: This includes a highly esthetic appeara...
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