Regeneracja kości po zabiegu chirurgicznym w celu zachowania wyrostka

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Regeneracja kości po zabiegu chirurgicznym w celu zachowania wyrostka zębodołowego z użyciem materiału BondBone®

Bone regeneration after procedure for preservation of alveolar ridge with BondBone®

Ridge augmentation technics are a matter of choice after tooth extraction in order to prevent the loss of bone as a result of atrophic changes that may occur in time.

We can say that for the current widely used alloplastic materials based on betatricalcium phosphate and hidro- xylapatite the resorbtion time is 6-9-12 months. This fact needs to be taken in consideration, when placing an im- plant in an area with guided bone regeneration. The need of using a membrane to immobilize the bone graft and covering it with flap additionally increases the comple- xity of the procedure.

In this case study we are going to demonstrate the capabilities of biphasic calcium sulphate (BondBone®) as a bone graft material that provides predictable re- sults and bone regeneration on the 4th month after the usage.


To present the histopathology result of bone regenera- tion in a clinical case of conventional implant placing after a procedure for saving the alveolar ridge using BondBone®.


A 55 years old patient with present bridge construc- tions -#17_16_15_#14; #23_24_#25_#26; #34_35_36_#37; #44_45_46_#47 placed 5 years ago. The complaints of the patient are connected with recurring periodontic symp- toms from tooth #14 (median bridge carrier from the bridge construction -#17_16_15_#14. After the removal of the bridge construction, a 2nd degree of mobility is de- termined as well as a periapical lesion. Af...

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