Ząb ektopowy zatrzymany w ścianie bocznej małżowiny nosa

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Ząb ektopowy zatrzymany w ścianie bocznej małżowiny nosa – opis przypadku

Improvement in local conditions of the patient gave possibility to undergo the main surgery. The operation of removal of maxillary follicular cyst with impacted molar from Caldwell-Luc approach under general anaesthesia was scheduled. Unfortunately, the expected time of hospitalization had to be substituted
immediately due to aggravation of patient’s condition – recurrence of oedema of the right infraorbital region, facial asymmetry, nasal obstruction and periods of fever.

At the time of admission to the ward patient presented good general health status.

Surgical exploration of the right maxillary sinus exhibited massive anterior wall destruction. Intraoperational suction of large amounts of purulent fluid enabled eventually a proper vision and accurate position of ectopic tooth turned out.

Wide reflection of a mucoperiosteal flap with removal of bone to expose a cyst completely gave possibility for total enucleation of the cystic sac with the tooth attached inside.

Wound in the upper oral vestible was sutured and evacuated specimen was given for histopatologhical tests.


A tooth may develop and erupt in an inappropriate location. The cause of this rare phenomenon is unclear. It was questionable if any transposition of a toothbud triggered by trauma in the history of this 16 y.o. male patient took place. No aetiological explanation was found out in the reported case. Completed dev...

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