Obecnie używane skanery wewnątrzustne - porównanie

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Porównanie dokładności dziesięciu obecnie używanych skanerów wewnątrzustnych


The IOS has various advantages such as they make easier for the clinician and the laboratory technicians to communicate, eliminating the dental plaster models and reduce the working time. The precision and trueness of the IOS are an important factor as it influences the restorations (1, 2).

In this study, the accuracy of various scans is studied. The surface area in the X-axis and Y-axis ranged from 2 to 60 mm. The accuracy of scans followed Y axis > X axis = Z axis > diagonal axis. In the posterior area, the accuracy is more, whereas in the anterior area, the accuracy is less as the shape of teeth creates more error when capturing the images. The scanning depth (Z-axis) ranged from 2 to 8 mm, where special precaution is needed especially in the deep cavity.

A study by Mutwalli et al. (15) found that regarding the interarch distance measurements, Trios 3 had the lowest trueness, followed by Trios 3 Mono and Itero Element. But Trios had the lowest precision, followed by iTero Element and Trios 3 Mono. But in our study, the Trios series presented higher accuracy compared to other IOS. Our study is supported by another study done by Renne et al. (8) where they found that for complete-arch scanning, the 3Shape Trios was found to have the best balance of speed and accuracy.

The result of our study is supported by the study done by Medina-Sotomayor et al. (16) where they compared the scanning strategy with the greatest accuracy, in terms of trueness and precision, of 4 IOS in the impression of a complete dental arch. They found that the trueness of the Trios and iTero system showed better results with strategy “D,” Omnicam with strategy “B,” and True Definition with strategy “C.” In terms of precision, both ...

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